Please click on the appropriate link below to make your donation.
Online Pledge Forms
(click on the link below then complete the form and submit)
(print and complete, then return to your local foundation office)

Thank you for supporting the 2017-18 Good Samaritan Foundation HOPE campaign.

Pledges can be paid out over a year by automatic check withdrawal (ACH) and credit card; payroll deduction is also available for eligible employees.  One time gifts can be paid by credit card, payroll deduction, automatic check withdrawal (ACH), checks, or cash.


  • Automatic Check Withdrawal (ACH): Deducted directly from your bank account on the 20th of the month.

  • Credit card: Processed to your credit card on the 10th of the month.

  • Payroll Deduction (pledge or one-time gift): Pledge payments will be deducted from your paycheck, for 26 pay periods, starting January 12, 2018.  A one-time gift will be deducted from your January 12, 2018 paycheck, unless otherwise noted.

  • PTO (pledge or one-time gift): One hour (or more) of your PTO will be deducted from each paycheck, for 26 pay periods, starting January 12, 2018.  A one-time gift will be deducted from your January 12, 2018 paycheck, unless otherwise noted.  (For instance, if you are maxed out, hours can be taken from your next pay period.)

  • Cash or check (one-time gift only):  You may make a donation by cash or check.  Make checks payable to Good Samaritan Foundation, then give your check or cash and your completed pledge form (download above) to your local foundation office.

Good Samaritan Foundation
115 W 32nd St
Kearney, NE 68847

P: 308.865.2700 | F: 308.865.2933 |