Join us for the annual Doctors Dash (you don't have to be a doctor to run or walk)

RUN: 5K or 10K
WALK: 1 Mile or 5K

Pets are welcome on the walks (not on the runs): Limit one pet per walker ● Leashes are required ● No pets "in heat" ● Pets should wear current rabies tags or have proof of vaccinations ● Walkers will be asked to leave if their pet(s) display aggressive behavior ● no pets under four months ● Please follow the route ● Please be courteous and clean up all pet ‘do-do’!

All profits from the event support CHI Health Youth Events in Adams & Taylor Counties.

Questions? Contact Marilea Mullen at or 641.322.6276.
CHI Health Mercy Corning Community Wellness Program, Participant Release Information
(signature agreeing to release required on registration form)
Activity: 7/29/2023 Doctors Dash competitive events, non-competitive, or with a pet

All participants must enter their signature on the registration form agreeing to the event release below.

As a voluntary participant in this event, I realize that it is a potentially hazardous activity and that I should not participate in this event unless I am physically and medically able to do so. I agree to abide by any decision of an event official(s) relative to my ability to safely complete the activity. I assume all risks associated with my participation in this event, including, but not limited to, falls or  contact with other participants, animals, any and all risks that may be associated with participation in such an event. Being fully aware of the risks associated with participation in and/or observing this event, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and  administrators, fully waive and release all rights and claims that I may have against CHI Health, its subsidiaries, directors and officers, the organizers, supervisors and other participants (including animals) of said activity or event for any and all injuries (personal or bodily) or property damage sustained while participating in, preparing for, or competing in, or as a spectator, of any activity sponsored by CHI Health, its agents or representatives. Further, I specifically acknowledge that my participation in this event is elective and voluntary.
* If participant is less than 19 years old, parent/guardian must sign.

WITH PET: I am voluntarily consenting for my dog/pet(s) to attend and/or participate in this event. I agree that my dog/pet(s) will be
under control and on a leash at all times. I agree to abide by event official(s) regarding the removal of my dog/pet(s) from the event. I fully understand the inherent risks of my dog/pet’s attendance at and/or my dog/pet’s participation in this event (both physically to my dog and to others) and I fully accept any and all risks that may be associate with my dog’s/pet(s) participation in and/or observing this event both for my dog/pet(s) and/or for spectators or participants in this event.

After reading the above release visit our registration page to register for the event.