Spring Flood 2019

Flood waters have ravaged families across Nebraska and Iowa leaving many families without homes or possessions. Those affected include employees of CHI Health. In addition to our prayers, we seek to offer assistance to those in need. CHI Health Foundation has established a fund to offer financial assistance to our coworkers whose lives have been impacted.

Along with your prayers, we ask you to consider donating to help your coworkers and friends.

If you would like to make your donation via payroll deduction, please use the form below.  To make your donation via credit card, please use our credit form.

2019 Spring Flood Disaster Relief

My personal information
Donation options
**Please note** Deductions must be a minimum of $5, one time only or per pay period.
For PTO donations, the cash equivalent of the number of hours donated will be directed to the Spring Flood Disaster Relief fund.
Please deduct the following amount (per pay period for 26 deductions, or one time only, as noted below). Deductions will start on the next pay period.
Please deduct the following number of PTO hours (per pay period for 26 deductions, or one time only, as noted below). Deductions will start on the next pay period.
Digital Signature
I authorize CHI Health to withhold my payroll deduction as indicated above. I understand that the information on this form will be entered in the foundation database and used to administer this donation, send acknowledgements, greeting cards, tax statements, etc.